Ripple 5: Awakening

Published: Oct. 14, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'Kingdom Tide --- Ezekiel 47:1-12 \\nWe conclude our Kingdom Tide series this week with a vision from Ezekiel. A heavenly figure shows him a river flowing from the Temple that is so deep it could not be crossed. It was flowing into the Dead Sea where new life flourished in a formerly impossible environment. Here\\u2019s the thing: Ezekiel was a captive of Babylon and the Temple had just been destroyed. But he saw something dead awaken into incredible growth. When you look at your home, town, state, or country, what do YOU see? A Dead Sea that is too poisonous God\\u2019s kingdom? Or the potential for staggering revival?\\nAs a special treat, we also welcome Hanna Watson to the stage for incredible poetry of life, death, forgiveness, and salvation.'