Five Stories for the Future

Published: March 21, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"Matthew --- Matthew 11-15 \\nThis week we're looking at a long section of Matthew with five major narratives. The death of John the Baptist, the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus's walk on the water and Peter's sinking, the Canaanite woman, and the feeding of the four thousand. What could be viewed as mostly unrelated stories instead shows the radical shift Jesus would bring to Israel and the world. It is a connected arc that marks the complete refocus on who would inherit the Kingdom Jesus is bringing to Earth. \\nAnd with mixed emotions, we also hear from Pastor April and her new season of service as she has heard the call to step away from the role of Family Life Pastor. We welcome you to send your support and gratitude to \\nConnect Card -\\nSpotify: Worship with LCH -\\nTriangle Prayer -\\nTABLE NC -\\nGive -"