Bold Conversations

Published: July 18, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"Luke 3:1-3, 7-16 \\nOur summer of guest speakers continues as Riley Davis, member-turned-co-leader of Cru at UNC takes to the stage! We've talked a lot about John the Baptist. Jesus's colorful cousin who boldly heralded Christ's coming and humbly stepped aside when Jesus's ministry began. We don't often visit the passage in Luke when he creates a stir calling out specific behaviors of those seeking baptism which are at odds with the commitments they are attempting to make. It reminds us that as we live out our own baptisms, it is imperative to have similar bold conversations with those we would see share the light of Christ with their fellows. Where do you think the church would be today if there were more accountability between believers on a national scale? \\nConnect Card -\\nAll Things Sunday -\\nGive -"