A Shoot

Published: Dec. 8, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"Advent 2019 --- Isaiah 11:1-9 \\nIn order to understand the gravity of Christ's birth, it's important (as always) look at the historical context of Jesus's arrival. Isaiah describes him as the shoot from the stump of Jesse. Hundreds of years had passed since the anointing of David as God's chosen king. In less than two generations, the nation had been split apart. In the following decades the Temple would be destroyed and rebuilt multiple times. The entire culture would be captive to the ancient conquerers. Jesus arrives to a people firmly in control of the Roman empire. This is what hopelessness looks like. The line of David is broken. But a small child in a manger fulfills Isaiah's words and the world is completely turned upside down. Where do you feel points of longing in your life? Where do you feel the despair? Advent is a season where we celebrate a coming redemption!"