Will This Week’s Impeachment Hearings Bring Anything New?

Published: Dec. 2, 2019, 11 p.m.

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, John Kiriakou is joined by Daniel Lazare, a journalist and author of three books--“The Frozen Republic,” “The Velvet Coup,” and “America's Undeclared War.”

The House Intelligence Committee today is expected to circulate its Ukraine report, as the House Judiciary Committee begins its own impeachment hearings. The Intelligence Committee will vote to release the Ukraine Report tomorrow. Meanwhile, President Trump said he will not participate in the impeachment hearings after all, calling the entire process “unfair.”

London is still reeling from a terrorist attack over the weekend that left two dead, as President Trump heads to the UK for the NATO summit. The two victims of the attack were a young man and woman active in the issue of criminal justice reform. And one of the heroes of the attack was a convicted murderer who had just been released from prison the day before. He was able to wrest the knife from the attacker. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is ignoring calls from the victims’ families to not exploit the deaths for political purposes. Neil Clark, a journalist and broadcaster whose work has appeared in The Guardian, The Week, and Morning Star, joins the show.

Gas flowed for the first time today through a huge new pipeline connecting Russia and China. And as the gas flowed, it sent geopolitical ripples around the world. Why? Because Washington has no control over this gas. It can’t stop it or sanction it. And it’s exactly what the Russian and Chinese economies need right now. Meanwhile, the prospects of U.S. sanctions against companies involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline grows. John speaks with Mark Sleboda, an international affairs and security analyst.

The self-declared leaders of Bolivia are consolidating their power and have called new elections, now scheduled for March. The national police and the military continue to attack funerals and to arrest indigenous people and leftists, and the new leaders are asking the International Criminal Court to charge President Evo Morales with unspecified crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, the mainstream media here in the US is lining up behind the coup and is asking why Venezuela can’t be more like Bolivia. Wyatt Reed, a journalist with The Grayzone, where he focuses on climate and racial justice issues and foreign policy, joins the show.

Monday’s segment “Education for Liberation with Bill Ayers” is where Bill helps us look at the state of education across the country. What’s happening in our schools, colleges, and universities, and what impact does it have on the world around us? Bill Ayers is out today, and progressive activist Joel Segal joins John.

In this segment, The Week Ahead, the hosts take a look at the most newsworthy stories of the coming week and what it means for the country and the world, including the upcoming impeachment news, the 2020 race, Epstein victim Giuffre in court suing Alan Dershowitz, and Giuliani associates in a federal criminal case. Sputnik News analysts and producers of this show Nicole Roussell and Walter Smolarek join the show.

Monday’s regular segment Technology Rules is a weekly guide on how monopoly corporations and the national surveillance state are threatening cherished freedoms, civil rights and civil liberties. Web developer and technologist Chris Garaffa and software engineer and technology and security analyst Patricia Gorky join the show.