North Korea ICBM Test is a Game-Changer: Will U.S. Choose War or Peace?

Published: Nov. 29, 2017, 11:22 p.m.

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Simone Chun, a fellow at the Korea Policy Institute and a member of the Korean Peace Network, and by Hyun Lee a member of the Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea and a writer for

The balance of forces in Korea was fundamentally changed yesterday with North Korea’s test launch of an ICBM capable of targeting the entire United States. Will the Trump administration move further along the path to war, or will it be forced to back down?

Cellphone corporations, through cell site information, possess a massive amount of increasingly precise data about its users’ movements. Can the government access it without a warrant? The Supreme Court is considering this question right now. Brian and John speak with Heidi Boghosian, the executive director of the A.J. Muste Memorial Institute and the former executive director of the National Lawyers Guild, as well as Brad Schlesinger, an appellate attorney licensed to practice in the Supreme Court.

Donald Trump retweeted three anti-Muslim videos that were shared from the account of Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of the far-right, violent Britain First organization. Brian and John are joined by talk show host Lionel to discuss Trump's decision to retweet the videos.

The Geneva peace talks are underway as a delegation from the Syrian government arrives for talks with the opposition. With the government winning on the battlefield, attention is now shifting to the negotiating table. Peter Ford, former UK ambassador to Syria, joins the show.

NBC News anchor Matt Lauer has been fired for unspecified sexual misconduct. The uprising against sexual harassment continues, but are politicians being shielded from the consequences of their actions? Brian and John speak with Jane Cutter, editor of

Bosnian Croat military leader Slobodan Praljak has died following a shocking courtroom suicide. Praljak drank a vial of poison as the judge was reading his verdict in a war crimes trial. Brian and John speak with Christopher Black, an international criminal lawyer who is on the list of counsel at the International Criminal Court.

According to testimony in court by a former employee, Uber hired former CIA agents to engage in industrial espionage against competitors. Just how common is this practice?