Kerry Warns of the Eclipse of U.S. Power in Asia Without TPP

Published: Oct. 27, 2016, 4 a.m.

John Kerry delivered the speech last night, highlighting his so-called accomplishments as Secretary of State in President Obama’s administration and a desperate plea to pass the TPP or Transpacific Partnership to keep control over Asia.

Peace talks between the FARC and Colombian government have resumed in Havana after a referendum voted down a previous deal earlier this month. Now the country’s second largest rebel group, the ELN, is also getting ready to sit down with the government. Are prospects for peace still likely? Becker is joined by Mario Murillo, a Professor of communication at Hofstra University and a longtime former host of Wakeup Call on WBAI-Pacifica.

The European Union and Canada were set to sign the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA, today in Belgium, but the deal was blocked by Belgium. How does CETA compare to the TTIP trade pact, and how does its apparent failure impact the prospects of that deal? Becker speaks with Professor Steve Keen, author and lecturer at Kingston University.