Can You Kill a Corpse? Trump Leaves TPP - What's His Economic Policy?

Published: Jan. 24, 2017, 5 a.m.

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker is joined by Vijay Prashad, author and Professor of International Studies at Trinity College.
On his first working day in office, Donald Trump has signed an executive order withdrawing from the TPP, a move that came a day after he stated his intention to renegotiate NAFTA. But don’t be fooled - the Trump agenda is still 100% anti-worker.

Donald Trump spared no time once taking office on Friday in advancing his agenda, issuing an executive order to roll back Obamacare, followed by another executive order yesterday attacking abortion rights. Margaret Flowers, co-director of Popular Resistance, discusses what the order means for millions of Americans both insured and uninsured.

A peace summit aimed at ending Syria’s six year war continues today in Astana, Kazakhstan. Is this finally the beginning of the end, or are the Syrian government and opposition groups still not finding enough common ground? Walter Smolarek, producer of Loud & Clear, discusses the importance of the talks and if a breakthrough is on the horizon.