Where Are We to Buy Bread??

Published: March 24, 2020, 9 p.m.

This Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, (and our second Sunday livestreaming..) we will continue our exploration of the Gospel of John in our sermon series, "The Questions Jesus asks."

Our Scripture reading is John 6:1-13,  a passage not about "flattening the curve," but about "feeding a crowd." Jesus and his disciples have "hunkered down" on a Galilean mountainside retreat, when a hungry crowd interrupts their best attempts at "social distancing."

Like today, this is a situation of great and overwhelming need, but limited available resources. Jesus sees the need and wants to respond;  the disciples see the need and feel overwhelmed.

What do we do when there does not appear to be enough to go around? How do we respond when we feel under-resourced? How does God step into these situations? 

Check out our facebook page Sunday at 10 AM CT to watch the livestream and hear God's Word of Life! We hope you are able to join us. All are welcome.