Called to the Table: Dinner Etiquette in God’s Reign

Published: April 11, 2019, 4 a.m.

(SORRY! First 30 seconds of this episode is silence, skip ahead to 0:33)

This Sunday, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we will continue our sermon series entitled, “Thy Kingdom Come: The Great Reversals of God’s Reign in Luke’s Gospel.” 

The text we will explore together is Luke 14:1-24, a passage in which Jesus finds himself at a dinner party hosted by a pharisee. Over the course of the meal Jesus is anything but polite, he interrupts the exchange of dinner table pleasantries to criticize the guests for their choice of seat and the host for inviting the wrong people! 

At the table, Jesus tells a parable in which a great banquet is thrown, but when the well-to-do receive their invitation, they all have other things to do. The snubbed host won't be put off. Servants scour the streets and invite the riffraff to fill the banquet halls and find their place at the feast.