Advent Week 3: Restore Us O Lord!

Published: Dec. 12, 2020, 4 p.m.

We are now approaching the Third Sunday of Advent and the Fortieth Sunday since we last worshipped together in the Sanctuary. What a season of waiting this has been! Come, Thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free!

This week the lectionary Scripture readings come from Isaiah 64, Psalm 125. A Big THANK YOU to Andy Deboer who put together an awesome soundtrack to listen and meditate on these Words from the Lord.

"The spirit of the Lord GOD has fallen fresh upon us, and this is our anointing: to go into the world and bring good news to all who are oppressed, to bind up all who are brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the incarcerated.  Let this be a proclamation of a new season, a new year, a year of the Lord's favor, a year of jubilee, and a day of justice unto our God."
Isaiah 64:1-2