Looking up - 21 May 21

Published: May 21, 2021, 3:10 p.m.

b'Associate Professor Emeritus John S Compton has produced a new book about the West Coast called "The West Coast, A Natural History" and his particular view of the ecology of this area has been influenced and inspired by his life as a geologist. Geology is interesting to some branches of astronomers, particularly those who study exoplanets and astrobiologists, who study the possibilities of life on other planets. You can obtain his book and others from his website http://www.johnscompton.com/ or small bookshops such as The Book Lounge or from Kirstenbosch Gardens. He is giving a talk to the local astronomy society about geology which the public is welcome to join via zoom at 19:30 on Wednesday 26 May. This is the code for those interested: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84770804350?pwd=K3hRaVdEei9vL3p3dHNBTFV5MjRkdz09'