The Wonder Years: S6E17: Eclipse

Published: Nov. 30, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Happy Friday Wonderlings! Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast. S6E17: Eclipse Airdate: March 3, 1993 In this episode Kevin and his classmates take a bus trip to the planetarium to witness the solar eclipse. On the trip, Kevin and Winnie have a fight after he calls her "too perfect" while Chuck gets locked in a restroom, leaving him behind. We have a lot of storylines going on in just 30 minutes. Kevin and Winnie, Winnie proving to Kevin she’s not too perfect by throwing spitwads and possibly stealing a hat. Chuck getting locked in a restroom and than hitching a ride with a most likely serial killer. Mary Jo takes a bet $25 from her mean girl friends that she can give fellow nerdish classmate Harlan a hickey. Louis, the Gary 2.0 of The Wonder Years (complete with blond shaggy hair, smoky voice and a army jacket). Plans to blow up the Planetarium bathroom with a cherry bomb. Spoiler alert: he gets caught by police. Next week on the podcast S6E18: Poker, which aired on March 24, 1993. In this episode When Kevin and his friends get together for their weekly night of poker, each of them is forced to face up to their problems. Chuck is worried about possibly becoming a father; Randy is failing Math; Jeff is accused of being a cheater; Paul and Kevin realize how much they've grown apart. Have a great weekend everyone!