Ontological Independence Damns Atheists

Published: Oct. 16, 2023, 8:26 a.m.

For far too long atheists have escaped the obligation of defending their redoubt of skepticism. Their doubt has been an unassailable position, a dogmatic absolutism missing since the fall of the Divine Right of Kings. The atheist has, according to their world view, a religious obligation to doubt without restraint or reservation, even when there is no evidence to justify their doubt. However, their existence is not doubted by them and this posses a problem for them, for their skepticism requires doubt without reservation. If the atheists can exist, then so can God. But the problem for atheists is that if the choose to not doubt their existence, then what are the conditions that gave rise to them? There are no conditions sufficient to give rise to their skepticism. Atheists and the material reality in which they are immersed, would have to be Ontologically Independent, i.e., sufficient for itself as God is. But regardless of what one postulates, atheism will always fail to be a sufficient cause to explain its origins. And this insufficiency, by the principles of causality, is a chain reaction that goes back to the very beginning. Reality itself is an insufficient cause because it lacks Ontological Independence.