Freeloading, Accountability And The Church

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 9:50 a.m.

There are only two words you need to know to understand human history. These two terms are freeloading and accountability. These two terms encompass the events of human history. All sin and evil and crime are examples of freeloading. All good is the result of accountability. The more accountable people are, the greater the faith we have in God and in each other, the more the church is built. The more freeloading there is, the greater the division and fear, the stronger Babylon becomes. There is no middle area. One is either paying one’s way and adding to the value of the world, one is being accountable for the costs one creates, or one is freeloading. There is no third option. If one has faith in God and the people of God, one builds His church. This is the equivalent of building the church. It also means civilization is being built. If one is freeloading one is accumulating debts and being a burden on others. It is as simple as that.