Apriorian The Meta Organization

Published: July 2, 2022, 9:56 a.m.

Apriorian is a theoretically perfect organization, it might be called a utopia, unlike utopias however, Apriorian does not deal in an abstract form of humanity. Given perfect human beings reform is unnecessary. Capitalism and Communism both would work perfectly given perfect human beings. It is sin that destroys frail systems. Given that humans will destroy anything they can exploit how does one create a perfect system? Technically, this is not possible. One has to create an organization given to organizing. This might be called an organic or a self-adjusting organization, one that automatically blocks evil from doing harm. Obviously, this means Apriorian is different from the institutions we are all familiar with. In fact, it re-writes 6000 years of history. Apriorian wipes the slate clean and begins again, on a new foundation.