Lock is Lit Podcast Episode 115

Published: April 24, 2016, 5:40 a.m.

Join us to a long delayed episode 115!  We discuss the Arkansas warehouse raid that we went on over the winter, a lot of new pin acquisitions, and other random things that have been going on.  We will also have a booth/table at Pinfest 2016 in Allentown PA on May 5th, and 6th, so stop by and visit us!! We also talk about the future of the show going forward.


This is the documentary on the final days of Williams pinball division.  A must watch!

Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball


The Piniwiki list of vehicles that a pin will fit in:



Pinfest 21016:



First Arkansas video, which we codenamed "Arkantana"



Second Arkansas trip video:
