Lo-High gets Saved by the Bell (feat. Alycia Pascual-Pena)

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, 5:34 p.m.


If you\'re feeling high, or you\'re feeling low, you\'ve always got a place to go. Welcome to the Lo-High Podcast.


On this episode we speak with a great friend of ours who recently moved from NY to LA on her fruitful quest of becoming an actress. Sele says the word "like" a bunch. We also talk Soap operas, Saved by the bell, and how you shouldn\'t be a d*ck. 


(Also, this was recorded in a different setting so pls forgive our audio)


Check out our instagram @lo_high_podcast.


Special thanks to our very first, and only first, guest Alycia Pascual-Pe\\xf1a. Check her our on instagram @alyciadelsol


The amazing cover art was created by Seo Young. Check out her insta @seeooyoung


The sweet lofi is provided by Kame B-ri. Check our his insta @kame.bri


Thanks for listening :)
