053: 21 Things Italians Do Better

Published: Aug. 20, 2017, 4:26 p.m.


What do we think Italians do better than anyone? \\xa0Find out in our list below. \\xa0But first, a couple of notes.

While some of you finding this post will read through this as a blog post, please note these are podcast show notes where Paul and Steven discuss their thoughts on the 21 Things Italians Do Better.\\xa0\\xa0So hopefully you\\u2019ll listen to the podcast as well, so any nuances come through.

Also note, when we say Italians, we mean Italians living in Italy.\\xa0\\xa0Not Italian-Americans.\\xa0\\xa0While a lot of these apply to both, this is meant to be our observations of Italians living in Italy.

So without further ado, here are 21Things Italians Do Better.

1. Food and Cooking

21 Things Italians Do Better 2Food is so personal and subjective, steeped in tradition.\\xa0\\xa0So while I\\u2019m sure many might argue that there are other amazing national cuisines out there, many would agree Italian food is amazing.

The secret could be a couple of things.\\xa0\\xa0Most notably, the fact that they eat very seasonally.\\xa0\\xa0Thus the flavors are all very fresh and delicious, at the height of their flavor if you will.

So with Italian cooking, dishes can\\xa0actually be very simple. It\\u2019s about highlighting the fresh ingredients, not covering up something with a heavy sauce to hide a flavor.

[Note: In the interest of getting these show notes up, I will follow up on the Caterina d\\u2019 Medici information we talked about in the podcast.]


This can be divided into two parts, one part being the actual designers and one being the fashion of Italians every day.21 Things Italians Do Better 22

So the designer part is easy, as there are lots of big names in the fashion industry, including Versace, Gucci, Valentino, Prada, and Dolce & Gabbana.

However, the populous as a whole always ascribes to La Bella Figura, or \\u201cThe Beautiful Figure.\\u201d\\xa0\\xa0Meaning that one is always looks and composes oneself to make the best possible impression.

In our experience, this is very much ingrained in a lot of the\\xa0Things Italians Do Better InstaItalian people, especially older generations, who will not leave the house without dressing up.

It\\u2019s nice to see so many people with such a sense of style.

Paul\\u2019s mother is a prime example of this. While most of the time she\\u2019s sitting around in old clothes in her room watching TV, if\\xa0company\\xa0is coming over or we are going out, she definitely gets her bling on.



3.\\xa0\\xa0They make family a top priority

There are many examples of this.

21 Things Italians Do Better 23They will dote over any kid in the room.

They will never leave a kid with a babysitter, like a neighbor or family friend. They feel that\\u2019s just not right to leave them like that.

Every day (at least in the south), they go home at noon to have lunch with the family.

And every Sunday, you must eat with all your family.

They have multigenerational families living together, where the grandparents take care of the kids.

These are just a few examples, but anyone who\\u2019s ever been to any Italians home for Sunday lunch or any special event, sees right away how important family is to every Italian.

4. Italians are great at showing affection

Some cultures, well a lot of cultures, have a hard time showing any kind of affection, to family, much less\\xa0to friends or acquaintances.

Italians are much more, shall we say, \\u201ctouchy-feely.\\u201d21 Things Italians Do Better 24

While they won\\u2019t run up and give you a kiss or bear hug on a first greeting, after one or two meetings they will expect the kiss-on-the-cheek greeting.

NOTE:\\xa0\\xa0If you\\u2019re coming to Italy always remember,\\xa0go to the\\xa0right first!\\xa0\\xa0You will touch your left cheek to their left cheek, then reverse and touch your right to cheek to their right cheek.\\xa0 Actual kissing or kissing sounds are optional, depending on personal preference.

Another interesting note for us\\xa0is how men here have no problem showing affection.\\xa0 Male\\xa0fFriends\\xa0will easily walk arm in arm or put their arm around their male friend at the table.\\xa0\\xa0They have no problem showing affection and don\\u2019t think of it as \\u201cgay\\u201d as say someone might in the states.

5.\\xa0\\xa0Italian really know how to \\u201ctake it easy\\u201d

Different but similar to\\xa0La Dolce Vita,\\xa0Dolce Far Niente\\xa0is the \\u201csweet do-nothing\\u201d\\xa0 or the\\xa0art of doing nothing.

21 Things Italians Do Better 25La Dolce Vita\\xa0is enjoying the life around you \\u2014 the food, the sunsets, riding on the back of the Vespa with your loved one, etc.

Dolce Far Niente\\xa0is defined by Merriam-Webster as\\xa0\\u201cpleasant relaxation in carefree idleness.\\u201d\\xa0\\xa0Really, it\\u2019s just enjoying doing nothing.\\xa0\\xa0Indulging in relaxation and blissful laziness.

The fact that Italians even have a phrase for this concept shows you just how good they are at doing it.

Eat Pray Love explains it a bit more:

6.\\xa0\\xa0No one speaks with passion like Italians

21 Things Italians Do Better 26Maybe it\\u2019s because they are so passionate about life, but Italians are very passionate when they are communicating.

Doesn\\u2019t matter if it\\u2019s about politics or the correct driving directions, Italians are very animated when communicating.\\xa0

7. Italians are amazing designers

Pick up any Italian interior design magazine and you\\u2019ll be blown away by the beauty and innovation you see on every page.\\xa0\\xa0It really is breathtaking sometimes.

Perhaps it comes from a population who truly loves fine art and culture. But from wherever it comes from, Italians do amazing design.\\xa0

It can be argued when it comes to cars, this had dropped off a bit in recent years.

But in other areas, especially home design, I think they still do amazing stuff.\\xa0\\xa0We have a tray, a simple kitchen tray to carry dishes on, that is amazingly simple, beautiful and totally useful.\\xa0\\xa0As Paul says, \\u201cIt should\\xa0be form\\xa0meets function, not form over function.\\u201d

8.\\xa0\\xa0Italians enjoy meals like no one else

21 Things Italians Do Better 28Especially in the south, you\\u2019ll find a lot of Italians head home every day for lunch and enjoy a big meal with the family.

But it\\u2019s really not just about time with the family or getting out of the midday sun \\u2014which\\xa0are\\xa0also important.

For Italians, it really is about enjoying the meal.\\xa0\\xa0Unlike say in the states, where most of the time you are eating for sustenance, because you have to.\\xa0\\xa0Italians sit down and enjoy every single thing on the table.

You\\u2019ll even notice this even with the way a lot of Italians eat.\\xa0\\xa0They won\\u2019t load up a plate full of every different item.\\xa0\\xa0Instead, they eat put one item at a time on their plate, enjoy it, then move on to another item.

It\\u2019s all about savoring everything.\\xa0\\xa0Buon\\xa0appetito!

9. Italians rule when it comes to coffee

Coffee is almost so ingrained into the Italian lifestyle that when most people think of Italy, they picture sitting at an Italian cafe having an espresso.21 Things Italians Do Better 27

Here\\u2019s it\\u2019s a ritual.\\xa0\\xa0There are \\u201crules.\\u201d (No cappuccino after noon. Drink it at the counter or table, not on the go. Etc).

Many business meetings start with a cup of espresso.\\xa0\\xa0Just about every meal ends with one.\\xa0\\xa0And anytime company comes over, day or night, you always offer them espresso.

But perhaps it is such a part of their culture because it\\u2019s so good.\\xa0\\xa0They might not be grown their own beans, but they certainly know how to roast it and prepare it.

10.\\xa0\\xa0Nobody cleans house like Italians

21 Things Italians Do Better 29They hate dust.\\xa0\\xa0They hate dirty clothes.\\xa0\\xa0They hate clutter.

We have never seen any dust in any home we visit here in Italy.

If they saw a dirty piece of clothing on the ground, they would pick it up, wash it, iron it, and give it back to you.

I only wish I had an ounce of the energy they do for housecleaning.

11.\\xa0\\xa0They appreciate fine art like no one else21 Things Italians Do Better 218

They study art.\\xa0\\xa0They live in it.\\xa0\\xa0It gives them a deeper understanding and appreciation for it that a lot of other cultures just don\\u2019t have.

This harkens back a bit to the fashion and design points as well.\\xa0\\xa0They just love life and making it beautiful and appreciating it all.

12.\\xa0\\xa0They are very respectful

When you first meet a woman, you never refer to her by her first name until she says you can.\\xa0\\xa0Until then, it\\u2019s \\u201cSignora.\\u201d

As another example, when we were doing reconstruction here and the architect or engineer would show up on-site, the contractors (who honestly probably knew as much about all the engineering stuff as they did) would always address them with their formal titles.\\xa0\\xa0Not by name.

They are always very very respectful of their elders.\\xa0\\xa0As they should be.\\xa0\\xa0But here, they are the leaders of the family.\\xa0\\xa0They are listened to, respected, and obeyed if necessary.

13.\\xa0\\xa0Italians are great politicians

It really comes down to the art of the deal.\\xa0\\xa0Italians are great at working the system.

When it comes to actually governing, it can easily be debated they are probably not the best.\\xa0\\xa0But if you need to find away to get something done, they can usually find a way around something or work through a friend to help you out.

As a good Italian friend once told Paul, \\u201cYou Americans are great a marketing and sales, but when it comes to politics, you don\\u2019t know s***.\\u201d

I do believe the multi-party system in government tends to exasperate this trait.\\xa0\\xa0Italians have to compromise to get things done.\\xa0\\xa0With a two party system, things tend to be black and white.\\xa0\\xa0Either you are for this or against it.

Italians have to navigate the subtleties to get anywhere.

14.\\xa0\\xa0Italians are also very good about personal hygiene

21 Things Italians Do Better 210Perhaps the biggest example of this is the bidet.\\xa0\\xa0While Paul states the bidet was invented by Italians in the podcast, a lot of people believe it was an invention of the French in the 17th\\xa0century.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0However, the earliest written reference is in Italy in 1710.

Either way, Italians are obsessed with them.\\xa0\\xa0I\\u2019m actually surprised they can even travel to other countries where you\\u2019d be hard-pressed to find one anywhere.


15.\\xa0\\xa0Italians are passionate lovers21 Things Italians Do Better 211

Not only are the passionate when they speak, Italians love to love.\\xa0\\xa0Whether being classically romantic or lustfully sexual, they are passionate about love and making love.

I\\u2019ll just leave that one at that.


21 Things Italians Do Better 21216.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Italians know about anatomy like no one else

When Italians aren\'t feeling well, they can tell you where they are hurting and what is probably wrong internally.

They can name you all the body parts and how they function.

Not sure why.\\xa0\\xa0Not sure how.\\xa0\\xa0But Italy is a country full of anatomy loving people.

17. Italians are great drivers

Some of you are probably thinking, \\u201cWhat?\\xa0\\xa0They are CRAZY drivers!\\u201d21 Things Italians Do Better 213

While they can drive a little \\u201cwild,\\u201d Italians do know how to drive very well.

You rarely see or hear of many accidents.

They obey the passing lane rule on the highway to a fault, never driving in the left-hand lane and only using it for passing.

While Paul disagrees with me, I believe they are good at parking. They might not always park in the lines so well, but they can parallel park like nobody\'s business.

They are also very aware of pedestrians in towns, as people are keen on walking out into the middle of the street, so they have to stop on a dime all the time.

21 Things Italians Do Better 21418.\\xa0\\xa0No one travels and vacations like Italians

They usually are traveling at least two or three times a year and are always planning their next trip.

Paul believes they might not be very adventurous on their trips. For example, they might go to Egypt but stay in a resort the entire time.\\xa0\\xa0So they really aren\\u2019t seeing Egypt per se.

But they do love to explore the world. \\xa0I think this still goes back to the deep root of all their culture, where it\'s all about enjoying life.

19.\\xa0\\xa0Italians are great about keeping it in the family

When you talk about stuff that has to with the family, it stays within the family.

Family secrets remain family secrets.

Which, on a lighter note, is really troublesome when it comes to getting recipes from some of the ladies in town.

20. Italians fish like there\\u2019s no one\\u2019s business21 Things Italians Do Better 215

This goes along with our #1 point above food, but specifically, Italians really do seafood very very well, especially in the south.

It\\u2019s probably not the first thing you think of when you think of Italian food. I\\u2019m sure pizza, pasta, and gelato are first on many people\\u2019s minds.\\xa0\\xa0But when it comes to catching and preparing fresh seafood, Italians are amazing at it.

21 Things Italians Do Better 21621.\\xa0\\xa0No one does drama like Italians

Just look at Italian mothers.\\xa0\\xa0Or any famous scene around an Italian dinner table. Or any famous Italian opera.

Paul uses the example of the\\xa0Addolorata.\\xa0\\xa0The\\xa0Pained\\xa0Madonna, who is always dressed in black and has a dagger through her heart.\\xa0\\xa0Because of\\xa0course\\xa0that\\u2019s how every grieving mother feels when her child passes away before her.\\xa0\\xa0\\u201cLike a dagger through her heart.\\u201d


BONUS:\\xa0\\xa022. Nobody does extra virgin olive oil like Italians

While Spain might produce more volume, Italian extra virgin olive oil is known all over the world over as being amazing, delicious, and nutritious \\u2014 the best.
21 Things Italians Do Better 217

Obviously, we are biased in this one, but we honestly do believe that.\\xa0\\xa0And if you want to sign up for our free 4 part email course on how to tell if your extra virgin olive oil is really\\xa0extra\\xa0virgin,\\xa0just click here.

Or to try some of the world\\u2019s best extra virgin olive oil,\\xa0you can always head to our site here.




What do you think? \\xa0Did we miss something that Italians do better? \\xa0Let us know in the comments below.
