"The Gift of Giving" Online Retreat: "Groundhog Day" Movie Talk with Andy Pej

Published: Oct. 17, 2019, 8:37 p.m.

b'Enjoy this beautiful and inspiring talk on the movie "Groundhog Day" (1993) given by Andy Pej during Saturday evening\'s session of "The Gift of Giving\\u2014Living in True Abundance" online retreat!

Groundhog Day is the ultimate giving movie. It begins with the main character Phil Connors who is very invested in the ego\'s concept of "getting." Phil has an attitude whereby he thinks that life is all about his personal self and fulfilling the needs of that personal self. But as the movie goes on, he realizes he is actually miserable and will never be happy as long as he maintains this "getting" state of mind. So, after seeing that all the roads of this world lead to death and he can\'t change the world, he decides to change his mind instead and shift his attitude from getting to giving. This brings great joy and purpose to his mind and results in a wonderful transformation of mind for the whole universe.

Recorded on October 5, 2019, from an "Awakening from the Dream" online retreat with the theme of "The Gift of Giving\\u2014Living in True Abundance" at the Quinta del Sol studio in Chapala, Mexico.

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