Paul Gaudreau: Buckle Up and Trust—Recovery From Addiction

Published: March 11, 2017, 2 a.m.

What is addiction? How do you break the shame cycle? How do you recover? What does gratitude have to do with it? Come join Paul Gaudreau, who is 36 years' sober and almost a lifetime of living the ideas A Course in Miracles, in this show as he describes his definition of addiction as self-imaging, being self-contained, self-seeking, and self-defense. Recovery occurs in service, gratitude, and looking at your thought system. Addiction is an idea of yourself separate from God, stuck in an illusion of your own making, acting out in shame, guilt, blame, and fear. Many people are addicted to the word addicted—addicted to being a recovered alcoholic, addicted to figuring it out, addicted to relying on themselves instead of relying on God. Paul describes how he had to "buckle up and trust" and take an honest look at what was going on around him. He had to look at the shame cycle, how he had acted out, and how he was willing to go to his darkest spots and be willing to see what was there. Are you tired of being angry, sick, and tired? Are you willing to see things differently? Listen in. This interview with Paul contains many brilliant actions you can take in your own life to see change and get out of your own self-containment. For more information about A Course in Miracles and the Teachers of God Foundation, visit