Michael Mirdad: Bringing God Into Everything!

Published: April 11, 2015, midnight

Do you sometimes feel confused or guilty because you're on a spiritual path, devoted to God, but still not sure how "worldly" things like money, sex, food, and body-ideas fit into the equation. Come join Michael Mirdad, best-selling author (The Seven Initiations on the Spiritual Path, You’re Not Going Crazy … You’re Just Waking Up!, An Introduction to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality, and Healing the Heart & Soul) spiritual teacher, healer, and intuitive counselor for more than 30 years, as he talks about "Practical Spirituality: Knowing the Truth and Accepting the Illusion." In this one-hour inspiring talk, Michael gives simple and practical ideas to bridge the gap between spirituality and "worldly" ideas like sex, money, food, health, eating meat, being vegetarian, organic vs. pharmaceutical, taking a pill if you have a headache, Christ consciousness, and being in the world even though you're not of it. Learn how to bring God into everything and ease up on judgments about yourself. Begin to see the humor in all of it. "You're not done until you have loved the hell out of every part of it, being the Presence of God on earth." For more information about Michael Mirdad and his upcoming events or to book a private session with him, visit Michael's website Grail Productions at grailproductions.com.   For more information about A Course in Miracles and the Teachers of God Foundation, please visit teachersofgod.org.