I Married a Mystic, With Kirsten Buxton

Published: Oct. 29, 2016, midnight

It was a surprise to strong-willed Kirsten Buxton when Jesus suddenly appeared to her, announcing he would be her guide. At 27 years old, a serious bike accident left her physically, psychologically, and emotionally devastated, with no control over her life. Having had no previous relationship with Jesus, she began studying A Course in Miracles and developing trust in the Spirit within. Miraculously, world-renowned teacher of A Course in Miracles David Hoffmeister visited her hometown. Jesus told Kirsten to trust this man completely in order to experience a relationship like no other. Her courageous acceptance of this guidance opened her heart and mind in ways she never could have imagined. Through a process of radical self-inquiry, Kirsten candidly exposed her fears, projections, and private thoughts while on an epic adventure of holy relationship with a tirelessly happy mystic! In this interview—based on Kristen's newly published book I Married A Mystic—is a must for those seeking to intimately apply nondual spiritual teachings in every aspect of daily experience: in the bedroom, the bathroom, and even the supermarket. This profound and often humorous account is literally a "how-to’"guide for awakening. For more information about A Course in Miracles and the Teachers of God Foundation, visit teachersofgod.org.