Health and Self-Healing, With David Hawkins

Published: May 6, 2017, midnight

Based on the popularity of Lisa Natoli's recent show on David Hawkins' book Healing and Recovery, she's back with more! Join Lisa as she reads from Chapter 4, titled "Health," and talks about her own experimentation with healing autoimmune diseases through canceling and deleting the guilt thought, noticing the false belief "sugar makes me sick," recognizing patterns, and program. Then remembering the truth, "I am an innocent being. I am not subject to that thought." David Hawkins' healing from 20 chronic illnesses came from his dedication to practice and apply the workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles. The approaches in David Hawkins' book discussed in this episode are radical and should not be undertaken until you have read his book completely and made a decision to take 100 percent responsibility for your actions and the outcome. David Hawkins and Lisa Natoli do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician. The intent of this information is to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being.    For more information about A Course in Miracles and the Teachers of God Foundation, please visit