Jesus has won. His Kingdom Overcomes!

Published: Aug. 19, 2018, 10 a.m.

You ever wonder if following Jesus is worth it? If the battle to live loyal to King Jesus being obedient to Him is really worth it? Do you ever feel like even though the Church is doing her best to spread the love of Jesus and His message of hope that evil still ends up winning? Or no matter what you do that pesky sin still picks at you trying to defeat you? You ever feel these struggles? If so, you’re not alone. I think Jesus’ disciples felt it too. If you’ve ever wanted answers to those questions, then hear Jesus in this Parable of the Weeds. In this story Jesus reminds us that when the battle is strong, when you wonder if following Him is worth it, when the enemy is hissing at you with fear, worry, lies, condemnation, pride, shame, and you long for victory, remember…