How to Enjoy More Euphoric Days & Make Better Decisions by Listening to the Wisdom of Your Body

Published: April 16, 2021, 9 p.m.

A few months ago, I downloaded the Waking Up meditation app. Founder Sam Harris compares the average mind with a sky clouded with light pollution. He says that meditation is like building a telescope that can cut through that fogginess so you can access “the sky of the mind.” 

And that’s what the Enneagram and Stoicism help us do, as well. Cut through the clouds to get more clarity and set us free from our patterns.

But we can’t change who we are by simply thinking about it, or passively reading a book on getting over anxiety or silencing your inner critic, or whatever patterns you’re stuck in. You have to involve both the body and the mind to create new neural pathways and if you want to make change stick. 

Learn how in today's episode :)

Hello! I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel. But the real question is, who are you? Where are you now and where do you want to be? Can I help you get there?

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It’s not super easy for U.S. citizens to get visas to live and work abroad (and the U.S. gov doesn’t make it easy for people to come in either). But millions of Americans have figured out how to create a life overseas, and so can you.

Here’s my cheat sheet of the nine easiest countries to move to from the U.S.