Published: Aug. 15, 2021, noon


Grace and peace to yall !

Welcome to week IV of our Spiritual Exam... Ruach Multiplied... Gods prescriptions to heal us, cleanse us and empower us to advance His Kingdom while here on earth. Today we learn about the importance of hearing and listening, fragrances and to watch what goes in and comes out of our mouth...

We hope yall are being blessed by this series... We are in very harsh times right now... Don't get swayed by the world and its evil ways but rather get back to basics on The Rock Solid Foundation of Gods Love and Mercy and all of these wonderful tools He has blessed us with as well as the victory we have in Him as we live in Heaven on Earth... The already and the not yet... Until His return .

Thank you for listening and sharing...numbers are dwindling ? Why? What's going on with yall?\\xa0

God Bless you and keep you !

Big Love

Jeff and Tamara\\xa0

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