Created for Community

Published: May 2, 2021, 3 p.m.


Greetings everyone

Grace and peace to you.

We truly enjoyed our Meet and Greet Yesterday as we had a nice turn out and wonderful time of fellowship with our neighbors. \\xa0

We want to encourage yall to never be afraid to do things outside of your comfort zone for The Kingdom of God. He will always meet you in that thin place.\\xa0 The place between Faith and and Action... To Him, its not about the event, its about the courage you showed in flexing your faith in God to take that step. That's it...\\xa0

We always tend to overcomplicate things and make them about us, or about what others think, or about numbers... fill in the blank.... Its All About Jesus and His Indescribable love for\\xa0 you and all of humanity!!!It always has been...It always will be.\\xa0

God Bless Yall on your journey!

Big Love

Jeff and Tamara\\xa0

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