Stages of Spiritual Development

Published: June 30, 2020, 1 p.m.

Here's the text of today's podcast: “As we have shared before, the progression of spirit at any level of complexity moves through stages. We have said this, haven't we? I don't know. First is Discovery. ‘O wow, I'm me. This is different!’  “After Discovery comes Exploration. ‘What is this new entity. I know some of its aspects but not all.’ And then… hmm, what to call it… Expression. ‘Ok, together we are this and together we can do this.’ But wait, then comes Differentiation. ‘I'm me and not them.’ The newly experienced entity tries to understand itself by not being any other entity. Subset of this is radical independence. The new entity senses it has so many more possibilities than before. So, it wants to believe in its ultimate uniquity. I always wanted to use that word. [That was the second time. you've used that word.] I know. And so it's not a uniquity anymore. So stand apart, declare independence, not rely on others… until that doesn't work to generate more meaning.  “Slowly it dawns on entities that are aware that such radical independence may lead to a great deal of self-expression, but limited fulfillment. If and when that awareness comes, the entity seeks to find new and larger interdependence--because by sensing the limits of the single entity, a wider potential is glimpsed and then the process moves toward the possibility of greater connection.  “What you are living with is the collision of those still in the radical independent mode and the more inclusive interdependent mode.  “So, the masks, the rules, the number of people gathered, becomes symbols of this clash. And when you have leaders who are still enjoying the feeling of being singularly special, this is a time of tension.  “I invite you to apply this model to the birth of nations and the lives of individuals and the history of spiritual movements… and, dare I say it, the theories of science. And I think I have pushed the limits for now.  “There will always--at any spiritual level except the final union--be more stages of differentiation than connection, but the superficial appearance will be of connected differentials. Ok, you got your gun rights people and the anti-vaxxers and the radical religionists and the homeschoolers and the flat-earthers and the know-nothings and the like, all shouting the same but for different reasons.  “Only in connection is there a new harmony and a shared vision. [So those groups… are you saying they can't connect unless they find a larger harmony to connect into?] They think they are connecting on things like social distancing, but they don't really agree about that.  “If your mode is Discovery or Experience or Differentiation, you may reject the larger coalition of interdependence, but for far different reasons. [Right] I’m done