Everybody Just Wants To Go Home (A Conversation on the Injustices Happening to POC in America)

Published: June 5, 2020, 10 p.m.


I realize I will never say everything right, I realize I probably didn\'t cover everything I should\'ve. I\'m just being honest with my thoughts and feelings about the past weeks\' events. It didn\'t feel right for me not to say anything on the topic of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter and the nation wide protests occurring in cities, including my home of Cleveland, Ohio. I hope that by utilizing my platform a continuing conversation will happen in homes everywhere and that even in any disagreement constructive conversations will take place. 
\\nI plan on continuing to educate myself and others as much as possible, but in years past I admittedly lived in an ignorance. One I didn\'t know until this past week that I had. White privilege is an uncomfortable pill to swallow, but one we must all take. Just because you don\'t see it or quite understand it doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist. I encourage white people everywhere to not feel guilty, but instead to use your privilege to uplift and empower people of color. 
\\nI stand with Black Lives Matter and I support necessary regulations, legislation and systemic changes that need to occur so that people of color can remain safe and alive!
\\nI love every single one of you and appreciate you listening!
\\nHere I have attached some resources I mentioned and those that will help spread education and awareness of this issue. 
\\nTalk with Pastor Furtick and John Gray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7jTUfNyPkE&list=PLY1BgHeIBKnpxKaA_ktPWlJ2tnwh66c6w&index=95
\\nEducational Resource: www.becomethebridge.com
\\nSign the Petition for Breonna Taylor: http://chng.it/5FWXsMYkQ8
\\nLetter from Birmingham Jail: http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/letter_birmingham_jail.pdf
\\nBlack Lives Matter website: https://blacklivesmatter.com/

\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/littletalkswithbignikki/support'