Take That, Triscuit! S2E13

Published: Nov. 18, 2019, 9:57 p.m.

b'It\'s a duel of the crackers, and Cheez Its won the prize, thanks to their ally, wine. Only to ultimately lose when Lit & Liquor devoured them.

Today we explored the unconventional pairing of Cheez Its and wine. Per Cheez Its website, there are certain types of flavors that pair better with certain wines, and for your sake, we took on this challenge without hesitation...as we always do when wine is involved.

We also welcome back one of our guest stars, Momma Kush, who also bravely takes on any wine-related challenge. To go with our unconventional food and wine pairing, we read a book with an unconventional character pairing, "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman. To spice things up even further, we watched the 2019 television show by the same name.

This week, we\'re pleased to report favorable results all the way around.'