Saga Did It First, Fable Was Just a Cover Band S2E11

Published: Oct. 15, 2019, 5 a.m.

b'Lit & Liquor is no stranger to three things: poorly written literature (see: every other episode), alcohol that tastes more like motor oil (see: Bamboo Bullshit or Gin for the Win), and high emotions (see: every episode we\'ve ever made).

However, we don\'t know that the emotion of disappointment has ever run so high and strong as this week when we read "Bloody Rose" by Nicholas Eames. His debut novel, "Kings of the Wylde", was our top-rated book ever and is frequently brought up in later podcasts, as dutiful listeners can well attest.

"Bloody Rose", on the other hand, stole something precious from us: approximately 8-16 hours of our life that we will never, EVER get back. Listen on if you dare, and we hope you have a wine as good as our Intrinsic Cabernet Sauvignon in which to drown yourself--er, your disappointment.

(A special thank you to Amazon reviewer EOD Phil for our episode title)'