Nubile Ninja vs. Bland Boss S2E15

Published: Dec. 17, 2019, 10:04 p.m.

b'If you\'ve been waiting on pins and needles for a great suggestion for a great new naughty boss romance since our last romance novel face off....sorry, but you\'ll have to wait even longer.

Oops, did we say that out loud?

Our wants for this week ended up being a challenge, as it turns out badass female Asian ninja warrior books are a rare niche. Not to mention finding a female billionaire boss romance to pair with it. But like always, L&L found a way to persevere, mostly thanks to our cocktails.

Our Lotus Blossom cocktail made a nice pairing for "Butterfly Swords" by Jeannie Lin. In a surprising twist (or maybe not so surprising if you know Kassandra and Ashley\'s viewpoints on romance novels) our biggest complaint was how dare she go fade to black on us.

On the other side of the ring, with terrible odds coming out of the betting pools, is "Sweet Surrendering" by Chelsea M. Cameron. If you were disappointed in lack of kinky office sex in our last bad boss pick, you\'ll get your fill on this book. Again. And again. And again. And... well, we think you\'re getting the idea. And if you lost money in the aforementioned betting pool, our Sweet, Sweet Surrendering cocktail will at least help to ease the pain.'