Have Your Cake & Kill It Too S2E08

Published: Sept. 5, 2019, 12:45 p.m.

b'We\'re nothing if not about equality here at Lit & Liquor Inc. (sponsor us, someone, anyone) and so if we previously did a challenge of which guy-hero would you rather have at your back, we couldn\'t rest until we\'d done girl-hero too.

We kick things off with "Deja Dead" by Kathy Reichs, the hit debut novel off of which the TV show "Bones" is based. Sam has come up with the appropriate and delicious but not-so-deliciously-named Embalming Fluid cocktail to go with this.

Meeting Temperance Brennan in the ring of this challenge is Stephanie Plum from Janet Evanovich\'s "Ten Big Ones". Fueled by a Wedding Cake Martini, she\'s not going down without a fight.

Who will win? You can only listen to find out.'