December to Remember: Season of Gratitude-GIFTS

Published: Dec. 23, 2021, 1:05 a.m.

Well boys and girls, we have come to another close of the year and as we and our season we end with gratitude!! As always, we take this month to focus on gratitude and the many things we have experienced through the year of 2021 that have given us reason to be thankful. The topic of my gratitude this third week of December 2021, is GIFTS!! So often we only consider the goods that can be bought and boxed to give and receive but there are far more important and meaningful Gifts to both give and receive! We are all human full of frailties and make mistake after mistake after mistake. BUT the Gifts of compassion, forgiveness, love, serving, helping, supporting, sharing, teaching, learning, growing, resting, changing, and so many others God smiles on and causes us to receive/and give blessings upon blessings. Think about all that you have experienced and shared and all God has allowed you to receive, not because we deserve it, but because we are Loved and Created with Purpose beyond our missteps and mistakes. These are thoughts for the week as we move through this December to Remember! Especially as we approach one of the biggest “gift giving” holidays of the year! You don’t want to miss this episode. Do yourself a favor and press play! Be encouraged!!!