A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER: Redemption and Restoration

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 10:30 a.m.

Well boys and girls, we have come to another close of the year and as we and our season we end with gratitude!! As always, we take this month to focus on gratitude and the many things we have experienced through the year of 2021 that have given us reason to be thankful. The topic of my gratitude this second week of December 2021, is RESTORATION AND REDEMPTION!! We are all human full of frailties and make mistake after mistake after mistake. Sometimes, when we sit under that pile of mistakes we can start to feel a sense of worthlessness or feelings of being useless. We talked about PURPOSE last week but sometimes BEFORE we can truly see and understand that place, Re have to be recovered from the weighted rubble of our mistakes and experience REDEMPTION AND RESTORATION! Maybe you are peering from under what seems to be an insurmountable weight of regret or maybe you were appearing pasted the judgements of others and still can’t see YOURSELF the way you were created to be. Either way, there is a time of blessing awaiting you after your place of REDEMPTION! These are thoughts for the week as we move through this December to Remember! You don’t want to miss this episode. Do yourself a favor and press play! Be encouraged!!!