FF 093 - Eric Holder Snakes his Way Back into Gun Control Debate

Published: Oct. 13, 2017, 7 a.m.

On today’s show Remso Martinez joins host John Odermatt. Remso is a political commentator, campaign consultant, and multi-media producer living in the D.C. area. Remso is best known for his podcast the Remso Republic.  

John asks Remso about his recent foray into investigative journalism, which tipped him off to some shady actions by Virginia Democrats. Remso shares how he discovered that the Democrat Party in Virginia was bringing controversial former Attorney General Eric Holder in to fundraise and in a very strange twist neglected to promote his appearance! When Remso asked local Dems why they were bringing gun walker Eric Holder of Fast and Furious fame for a fundraiser, they pretended that Fast and Furious was [...]