288. Tom Woods Finds His Sane Space

Published: March 27, 2017, 7 a.m.

In today’s episode of Lions of Liberty, Marc welcomes in NY Times bestselling author and host of The Tom Woods Show and Contra Krugman, Tom Woods!

In the show, you’ll hear:

  • As The Tom Woods Show nears 1,000 episodes, Marc and Tom discuss what it takes to maintain a podcast and successfully grow an audience. 
  • Tom breaks down some of his experiences with the left and “social justice warriors”, including dealing with a person who “casually supports the deaths of billions.”
  • Marc and Tom discuss the best approaches to dealing with those coming from the left - should they be “wined and dined”, or smacked over the head with liberty?
  • Tom weighs in on the recent Nick Sarwarwk/Ron Paul/States Rights flap which began on this program, as we revisit a question that got Tom Woods thinking on his first appearance on this program. 
  • PLUS! Marc answers some mor [...]