Set Intentions To Feel with Kenny Brixey

Published: March 9, 2015, 5:35 p.m.

We set intentions for our life in many ways. We set goals for our jobs and our income. We set intentions for what we want to accomplish in our lives. We vision for new cars, homes and the perfect romantic partner. While all this is perfectly good, are we leaving out something? Do you set intentions for your feelings? What feeling would you like to have stay with you throughout the day? Setting intentions for the feelings you desire is absolutely something we can do. Setting intentions for your feelings can allow you to remain peaceful in stressful times, loving in times of conflict and grateful in times it seems all of life is falling apart. We no longer need to wait for life to tell us how to feel, we can choose how to feel and we can do it now. Listen in as we talk about “Setting Intentions To Feel.”