Begin Again with Jan Lundy

Published: March 28, 2016, 6 p.m.

Spring has sprung for most of us and everywhere we look there is new life to be seen and appreciated. Flowers are blooming and trees are budding out. Here where I live we see new colts and calves playing in all the pastures. Even in religious circles we see the focus this time of year is on breaking through death and awakening to new life. Our dear friend Jan Lundy joins us to talk about the importance and possibility associated with beginning again. Jan has created a beautiful Sadhana to assist in preparing your soul for vibrant, new growth. This is a 28 day contemplative practice will uplift you and empower you to make a fresh start, rededicate yourself to your inner growth, cleanse and release what no longer serves you and this is just the beginning! Join us as we chat about beginning again, spring back into life by fully living.