How to receive from God - Be Persistent

Published: June 14, 2009, 10:26 a.m.

b'How do you receive your healing? The same principles apply today that applied 2000 years ago. We can all live in perfect health and Jesus actually did tell us how to do it! There is no expiration date for divine health. God\\u2019s healing power still works today as it did when Jesus walked the earth. But a key is to not give up! Pray fervently and be persistent. Yes, keep praying and keep asking! If you genuinely want to get better - don\'t stop - don\'t give up. God is ever faithful to honour His word in the area of healing. Therefore, be persistent.\\n\\nLuke 18:1-7 - Jesus gave us this parable as an example of how to pray and ask God in order to make things right. Jesus was comparing the widow to "us" and the judge to God the Father. He is telling us to literally \\u2018keep asking\\u2019 God for what we need. To ask until He gives it to us! Many of you have probably been told at one time or another, "Ask God only once for what you need, for if you ask Him more than once, you are not exercising your faith correctly".'