EP070 Change doesn't have to be scary

Published: Jan. 2, 2023, 6:41 a.m.


Change is scary but so is staying the same\\u2026.

Staying the same is going backwards\\u2026.

We are designed to evolve, grow and expand and when we give into fear we hold back,

Change can be scary - it can also be really fun and exciting too - but at the start it can feel big!

But staying the same is just as scary because when we stay the same nothing changes and we feel stuck!

The truth is
\\U0001f615You will never feel ready - if you wait for the perfect time it will never happen! Success favours the courageous!

\\U0001f97aSticking with the safe and comfortable is riskier than any investment because your desires won\\u2019t fade and you will constantly be wanting more!

\\u274c Trying to do it all on your own won\\u2019t save you money or time in the long run - it will cost you more!

\\u2764\\ufe0fInvesting in yourself is the cheapest way to success - being in the energy of others who have what you want helps you feel supported, guided and opens you up to a whole new level of confidence when you learn to APPLY what you know and reap the rewards! \\U0001f4b8\\U0001f4b8\\U0001f4b8

\\u23f0there is no better time than now. If not now then when?

What is stalling costing you? How would you feel if in 12 months from now nothing has changed?

What can you do today to make your future self proud? \\U0001f447\\U0001f3fb\\U0001f447\\U0001f3fb\\U0001f447\\U0001f3fb
