E021 The difference between being productive vs being busy for busy's sake with Emma Gibbs-ng

Published: June 23, 2020, 6 a.m.


Are you being everything to everyone and nothing for yourself?
Are you working every hour you can but still not getting the results you desire?
Then you need to listen up.
This week I’m sharing with you how to be productive and get the results you desire without burning yourself out.
About Emma:
Get inspired and fired up with Emma Gibbs-Ng, founder of the Life Beyond Limits Podcast, bringing Mindset to life!
The Life Beyond Limits Podcast brings together incredible stories of inspiring people from around the world who have achieved greatness, overcome adversity and never given up.
The host, Emma Gibbs-Ng also combines her personal experiences of overcoming multiple traumas along with her a experience as a leading Mindset Coach, to inspire, influence and help thousands of people to create a growth Mindset and achieve greatness in all areas of their life
Emma's Links: