Leverage Select: Peter Shankman’s Productivity Hacks

Published: July 3, 2019, 12:40 a.m.

This week we pull a popular episode back from the archives!

Leverage podcast featuring Peter Shankman, public relations master, best-selling author and host of the #1 ADHD Podcast Faster Than Normal.

Peter Shankman lives a faster than normal life and rocks it. He’s an uber-successful entrepreneur, public relations master, best-selling author, host of the #1 ADHD Podcast “Faster Than Normal,” and single-dad to his 5-year old daughter. Not to mention a licensed skydiver, marathon runner, Ironman participant and Peloton junkie. It’s not that he has more time on his hands, he’s learned how to leverage his ADHD and use it as a gift.

It all started in the mid-90’s when Peter was in an online chatroom and was encouraged to apply to a newsroom start-up. With minimal experience outside of a journalism degree, Peter helped build the largest digital online newsroom in the world — AOL — in just 3 years.

In the wake of the dot-com boom, with the priceless experience gained from AOL, Peter wanted to start a PR firm. The only problem was… he had no money. With the upcoming release of the movie “Titanic,” Peter had the idea to take his rent money and get 500 t-shirts made with the quote “It Sank. Get Over It.” and sell them in Times Square. He sold out in 6 hours.

Taking the t-shirts online, he cleared $100,000 in under two months. Enough money to start his PR firm.

Peter hasn’t slowed down since. To what does he attribute his success? In his mid-30’s Peter was diagnosed with ADHD, and learning how to “drive” his faster than normal brain has been a game-changer.

“When you’re driving a faster brain — just like when you’re driving a Lamborghini — you have to know how to drive it.”


Here are 5 productivity hacks that helped Peter leverage his best life:

- Discipline
- Systems and Processes
- Structured Days
- Wake-up Early,
- Workout


Learn more about Leverage at: https://getleverage.com/