TMHS 057: 7 Tips To Influence Your Friends And Family To Live A Healthier Lifest

Published: June 25, 2014, 11:58 a.m.

b"When we truly love someone, we want to see them thrive. We want the best for them, and we want to see them happy.

In our world today, too many people are struggling day-to-day with their health. They are barely surviving, let alone thriving. And often times they have no idea things can change, or no motivation to do anything about it.

It can be one of the hardest things in life to see someone you love struggling with their health\\u2026 especially when you know just how good it can actually be.

Today you're going to find out some powerful ways to help motivate your friends and family to take better care of themselves. Sometimes it's not the message itself, but how it's delivered that can make all the difference in the world. That's why today you're also going to learn what NOT to do when communicating with the people you care about if you really want to effect change in their life. This is essential stuff, and very powerful\\u2026 so use the forces for good young Jedi.
In this episode you'll discover:

Why we feel a deep need to change our family &\\xa0friends when we get healthier ourselves.
Why our desire to help our loved ones is actually selfish.
Surprising facts about family members of the world's top health experts.
3 things NOT to do if you want to motivate your family and friends to live healthier.
The #1 quality to develop when working with your loved ones.
The 7 specific tips to influence your friends and family to live a healthier lifestyle.
Why your family can't help but change when you do this one powerful thing.
What tangible tools you can use to help people who are easily distracted.
How to utilize the power of podcasts to deeply influence the health of others.
How you can use social media to inspire your loved ones (thanks Jade!)
Why you want to alter the environment when having a heart-to-heart with someone.
How finding out what THEY want can be key in influencing your family's health.
Why the food itself can change someone faster than you can.
What the healthy food gateway drug is.
How to inspire your friends and family to live healthier by turning up the fun!

Items mentioned in this episode include:
*\\xa0Friends And Family's Influence On Your Health (Mirror Neurons) - Podcast
*\\xa0Supersize Me
*\\xa0Why We Age - (hydrogenated oils mentioned) - Podcast
*\\xa0Food Inc.
*\\xa0The Healing Effect

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