Local News - Abdo Trial, Part Two

Published: May 24, 2012, 5 a.m.

<p>This week, AWOL Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo is being tried in the US District Court in Waco. Throughout the proceedings numerous surveillance videos of Abdo have been played. Yesterday, though, video of Abdo discussing his planned attack was entered as evidence. KWBU's Becky Fogel-who has been attending the proceedings, reports.</p> <p>Wednesday morning, jurors in the trial of Naser Jason Abdo-accused of plotting to bomb and shoot soldiers from Fort Hood at a restaurant in Killeen-watched a video of the defendant directly after his arrest. The video-taken in the cop car-does not show Killeen Police Sgt. Eric Bradley or Abdo, but a muffled recording of their conversation can be heard. During the conversation Abdo tells Bradleyabout his planned attack, saying "I don't appreciate what my unit did in Afghanistan."</p> <p>In a video recording of a jail visit between himself and his mother played for the jury in the afternoon, Abdo is heard telling her "You don't feel a relation to these people, but I do. Their suffering is my suffering." It seems he is referring to people in Iraq and Afghanistan.</p> <p>Abdo, himself, never served in Afghanistan, and had received conscientious objector status during the summer of 2010 arguing that his religious beliefs prevented him from serving in Afghanistan. He converted to Islam when he was 17 years old.</p> <p>As he did on Tuesday, Abdo-who was attentive throughout the proceedings-wore a white short-sleeved dress shirt and tie. However, he also donned a dark green skullcap also known as a kufi or taqiyah. This cap can be worn as sign of religious observance.</p> <p>Sgt. Bradley's testimony led to a brief, and rare, back and forth between the prosecution and defense. Lead Defense Attorney, Zachary Boyd asked Bradley whether he and his fellow officer had recovered an explosive device on Abdo's person during his arrest. Bradley responded that they had not found anything that could be detonated at the time. United States Attorney Mark Frazier, countered "Did he have a gun and ammunition in his backpack?" To which Bradley answered "Yes."</p> <p>The trial is expected to end today or tomorrow.</p> <p>For KWBU, I'm Becky Fogel.</p>