Kiwi Talkz #03 - Tracy Hemingway (Budgeting, Debt, Living Within Your Means, Housing, Auckland etc.)

Published: June 21, 2019, 8:35 p.m.

Spoke with Tracy Hemingway about how she got into 94K worth of debt and her journey to pay it off,

Follow her story on Instagram @debtfreekiwigirl




1:00 Tracys Backstory

12:22 Tracys Tumor

12:57 Pressure nowadays with image

15:35 Bad money decisions with cars

17:12 Smoking

18:34 Tracys life falling apart

23:05 Credit Cards/Banks Stupid Processes

25:49 Balance Transfers

28:43 Increasing Income/Decreasing Expenses

29:41 Budgeting/Sinking Funds

35:31 Pets Expenses

36:35 Downfalls of raising minimum wage

38:27 Living within your means

39:32 Living in Auckland

42:15 Eminem Concert/Wellington

44:59 Public Transport/Reece’s Jacket Story

46:26 Tracys New Job/Sales

50:22 Working Remotely

51:00 Hamilton to Auckland Train

53:31 Tracys Budget Plan

55:41 Eating Cheap

56:34 Tracys Diet

58:21 Reeces Psoriasis/Tracy’s Allergies

1:00:00 Tracys Diet Part 2

1:02:40 Being Cheap

1:04 46 Tracy Budget Plan Part 2

1:05:47 Tracys Debt Fully Paid Off Date

1:06:32 Tracys Entertainment Budget

1:08:36 Reece Judging/Tracy Being Judged

1:10:11 Budgeting taught in schools/Being open with finances

1:12:28 Housing

1:13:30 Rockbottom

1:14:21 Life Coaching

1:15:17 Tracys trick of firewood

1:16:26 Fine Five Challenge

1:18:00 Coupons to save money

1:21:38 Saving Time/Tracys First Budget

1:23:00 Tracy Writing a Book for the next generation

1:25:19 Trade Jobs/I.T

1:27:30 Poverty in NZ/Saving $5 a week

1:29:46 Cheap Clothing

1:32:03 NZ Less Judgmental

1:33:08 Travelling on a budget

1:34:04 Budgeting/Avoid Loans

1:35:00 Tracys current debt

1:37:02 Tracys Final Thank You’s