Max Reviews Danny Phantom Movie and Previews New RL Stine Show on Cartoon Network. Spooky!!!

Published: Aug. 26, 2007, 10:46 p.m.

Welcome to Kid Power Radio. I’m your host Max and each week I review what’s happening on TV, at the movies, books and music I like ….You get the idea

 In the Nickelodeon news...

I saw the new Danny Phantom movie and it was awesome.  Question: What if a giant asteroid is heading towards earth? Answer: Danny gathers up all the ghosts from the ghost zone and they turn the world invisible so, that the earth and the ghost zone doesn’t get destroyed. But it’s not that simple... First they have to build the machine that stretches around the world to make the world invisible. Second Danny has to get the ghosts from the ghost zone to help him turn the world invisible. Third the ghosts turn the planet invisible and they all live happily ever after. Except Vlad Plasmious  who was in space and wondered why the world had disappeared in front of him.

 This week on Cartoon Network

I saw a commercial for this thing called R.L. Stine’s Haunting Hour. It also said "Don’t Think about it" So I wonder what that means. It looks really cool. Like they showed a zombie hand coming out of the ground and it was awesome. I can’t wait to see it.

 Now for other TV shows...

Today was a really fun day. I went on my neighbor’s boat and it was awesome. Their names are Mel, Michele, Drew, and Nathan. (We call Nathan "Nafy") I got to sit up on the front of the boat and we went very fast. It was like a roller coaster. On the way back Drew and I laid in the bed under the boat and we flew up in the air maybe 9 times. It was so awesome. Wait that’s not what I was going to talk about. Darn it I’m out of time for this section time to move on...

 Name That Tune

Tristan emailed me the right answer again. Great job Tristan .

Here’s this week...

Funny Wacky Packy of the week...

And the winner is Spittles. Instead of Skittles. Who will be next week?

 Listener Question... 

Thanks to everyone who emailed me this week...Betsy, Rhonda, Tristan ,Courtney and Madie. You Rock.

 Thanks everyone for sending in emails. You all are now official members of the Kid Power Radio Street Team. Your job is to tell all your friends about the show and if they email me they could get a special shout out just like you did.

 Remember, you can email me at RADIO STAR MAX at YAHOO.COM

That’s it for now. See you next week.  Bye.