Max Interviews William, Cole and John...Three Cub Scouts Who Are About To Become Boy Scouts

Published: Feb. 24, 2008, 10:16 p.m.

Welcome to Kid Power Radio. I’m your host Max and each week I review what’s happening on TV, at the movies, books and music I like ….You get the idea

 Today we have 3 Cub Scouts in the studio who are about to cross over to Boy Scouts with the Arrow of Light next month!!! Welcome William, Cole, and John!!! 

What has been your favorite part of Cub Scouts so far?

Have you been camping?  What were the highlights?

So tell me about some of the badges you have earned?

Do you play any instruments?

What's your favorite food to eat when camping?

What is the Cub Scout Oath and what does Weblo stand for?

 Do you have any shout outs?

 (other questions)

Tell about yourself.

What is your favorite song?

What is your favorite movie? Why?

Do you have a girlfriend?

What is your favorite sport?

If you were a super hero what would be your super name? What would be your powers?

What is your favorite subject in school?

If you could invent anything what would you invent? Why?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite video game?

What is your favorite T.V. show?

What is your favorite book?

If you were President what would you do?

Do you like homework?

Are you my #1 fan?

Do you have any shout outs?

 Listener Question... 

I got 1 email this week...Thanks Betsy

 Thanks everyone for sending in emails. You all are now official members of the Kid Power Radio Street Team. Your job is to tell all your friends about the show and if they email me they could get a special shout out just like you did.

Remember, you can email me at RADIO STAR MAX at YAHOO.COM

That’s it for now. See you next week.  Bye!!