Max Interviews Griffin, Alex and Ethan and Gives a Shout-out To Number One Fan Terryn

Published: April 6, 2008, 8:50 p.m.

Welcome to Kid Power Radio. I’m your host Max and each week I review what’s happening on TV, at the movies, books and music I like ….You get the idea

 Today we have Griffin, Alex, and Ethan!

 Griffin is 12 and a sports nut. He plays football, baseball and basketball. He loves video games, movies, anything funny.

Alex is 8 also enjoys sports likes riding his bikes, the outdoors, playing airsoft guns in the woods, lacrosse, video games.

 Ethan is 5 and likes video games like Guitar Hero and Tony Hawke.  He is crazy about Webkins.

 Welcome Griffin!

Tell about yourself.

Do you like sports?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite super hero?

What is your favorite movie? Why?

Do you have any shout outs?

 Bye Griffin!

 Welcome Alex!

Tell about yourself.

I hear you like airsoft games. What exactly are airsoft games?

How do you play lacrosse?

(still talking to Alex)

What is your favorite song?

What is your favorite book?

Do you have any shout outs?

Bye Alex!

 Welcome Ethan!

Tell about yourself.

Are you good at Guitar Hero? What is your favorite song in Guitar Hero?

In Webkins how many animals do you have?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite T.V. show?

Do you have any shout outs?

Bye Ethan!

  Listener Question... 

I got 1 email this week.Thanks for writing in Terryn - hope you like your shout out.

 Thanks everyone for sending in emails. You all are now official members of the Kid Power Radio Street Team. Your job is to tell all your friends about the show and if they email me they could get a special shout out just like you did.

Remember, you can email me at RADIOSTARMAX @ YAHOO.COM